How to create User Roles using Ultimate Member Plugin

If you want to your users to register as Talent like Model, Actor, Photographer and Singers, you need to create those Roles and add give appropriate permissions to create Talent Profile them self from front end along with upload images any other files if needed.

Go to “Ultimate Member > User Roles > Add New” Enter Title ex: Actors, Models and give “Administrative, General and Access Permissions” as per your requirements, at the bottom of the page you can see “Wp Capabilities” section, make sure to select like below image.

For more information about Roles creation, please go to Plugin author help page.

This is the sample Role and capability permissions for Actor.

After doing above, then you can test it by registering using Regisration form where you already added Roles Drop down menu, if not you can see this article.

Once you register as any user then you will be landed into User Profile page where you have an “Gear Icon” to  edit  your Profile.